Ditrocks Hard Enduro aduna weekendul acesta peste 180 rideri

Ditrocks Hard Enduro aduna weekendul acesta peste 180 rideri


Ditrocks Hard Enduro aduna weekendul acesta peste 180 rideri, din toate colturile lumii!

Nu este o surpriza numarul mare de piloti inscrisi la Ditrocks Hard Enduro 2022 si nu este o surpriza nici ca avem si de data aceasta nume sonore din Hard Enduro, care vin pentru o „mica incalzire” inainte de Romaniacs!

Alfredo Gomez (AG Racing Team) este deja in Romania, iar alaturi de el il avem pe Suff Sella, ambii venind direct din Italia alaturi de intreaga lor echipa. 

Asadar, David Cyprian are de furca anul acesta cu doi rideri care sunt pe locul 4 – Alfredo, respectiv locul 2 in clasamentul Juniorilor, Suff Sella.

Celor 3 li se alatura Teodor Kabakchiev, castigatorul de anul trecut al cursei care vine foarte motivat pentru a-si apara titlul!

Jozsa Norbert Levente – favoritul cursei – are de tras greul pentru ca este cursa „de acasa”, putem spune! Anul trecut el a ocupat locul 2 la finalul celor 3 zile de cursa.

Lui Ciprian Codrut Furtuna si Varga Zszolt li se alatura si Sonny Goggia pentru marele premiu al Clasei PRO unde avem 21 de piloti pe grila de start!

Prin urmare, urmeaza 3 zile de cursa „incendiare”, spectacolul fiind oferit la toate clasele, iar inca un duel interesant o sa fie cel intre Zdenek Cyprian si Bart Stroisteanu la VETERAN!

 Va lasam mai jos programul competitiei si va asteptam la cursa, cu sau fara motocicleta!



15.07.2022 - PROLOG - Endurocross

  • 09:00 – 14:00 - Inscriere participanti in locatia de prolog (centru DITRAU)
  • 15:00 - Sedinta tehnica/briefing la secretariatul concursului (centru DITRAU)
  • 16:00 - Start concursuri de calificare si PROLOG (programul detaliat va fi publicat pe 14 iulie)
  • 22:00 - Afisarea rezultatelor prolog


16.07.2022 - 75km Hard Enduro

  • 09:00 - Sedinta tehnica cu concurentii in tabara de baza
  • 10:00 - Plecare din tabara de baza in coloana organizata spre zona de start a zilei 2
  • 10:30 - Start ziua 2
  • 22:00 - Publicare clasament ziua 2


17.07.2022 - 60km Hard Enduro

  • 09:00 - Sedinta tehnica cu concurentii in tabara de baza
  • 09:30 - Plecare din tabara de baza in coloana organizata spre zona de start al zilei 3
  • 10:00 - Start ziua 3
  • 17:00 - Publicare clasament cu primele 6 locuri la fiecare categorie
  • 18:00 - Festivitatea de premiere


Dritrocks Hard Enduro gathers this weekend over 180 riders, from all over the world!

It is no surprise the large number of riders registered at Ditrocks Hard Enduro 2022 and it is no surprise that we have this time also sound names from Hard Enduro, who come for a 'little warm-up' before Romaniacs!

Alfredo Gomez, the AG Racing Team driver is already in Romania, and with him we have Suff Sella, both coming directly from Italy, along with the entire team!

So, David Cyprian has to fork this year with two riders who are on the 4th place – Alfredo, respectively the 2nd place in the Junior rankings, Suff Sella.

The 3 are joined by Teodor Kabakchiev, who is last year's winner of the race and comes very motivated to defend his title!

Jozsa Norbert Levente – the favorite of the race – has to bear the brunt because it is the race "from home" we can say! Last year he took 2nd place at the end of the 3 days of the race.

Besides them Ciprian Codrut Furtuna, Varga Zszolt and Sonny Goggia joins them for the grand prize of the PRO Class where we have 21 riders on the starting grid!

So, the 3 days of the race are "incendiary", the show being offered at all classes, and another interesting duel will be the one between Zdenek Cyprian and Bart Stroisteanu at VETARAN!

 We leave you below the program of the competition and we are waiting for you at the race, with or without an engine!



15.07.2022 - PROLOG - Endurocross

  1. 09:00 – 14:00 - Registration of participants in the prologue location (DITRAU center)
  2. 15:00 - Technical session/ briefing at the competition secretariat (DITRAU center)
  3. 16:00 - Start of qualification competitions and PROLOG (detailed program will be published on July 14)
  4. 22:00 - Displaying the results of the prologue


16.07.2022 - 75km Hard Enduro

  1. 09:00 - Technical session with the competitors in the base camp
  2. 10:00 - Departure from the base camp in the column organized towards the start area of day 2
  3. 10:30 – Start day 2
  4. 22:00 - Publication of the ranking day 2


17.07.2022 - 60km Hard Enduro

  1. 09:00 - Technical session with the competitors in the base camp
  2. 09:30 - Departure from the base camp in the column organized towards the start area of day 3
  3. 10:00 - Start day 3
  4. 17:00 - Publishing ranking with the top 6 places in each category
  5. 18:00 - Award ceremony

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