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Gaerne now adds a shoe to the fashion market with their new footwear collection the Voyager. It aims to combine the comfort of a casual shoe with the technical equipment of a product from the bike scene.Voyager is either suitable for those who use their bikes every day, especially in cities, and that requires a product that is able to combine style and safety, or those who want to look a bit more fashionable when they take their bike out for a ride. Voyager are made of suede and have a breathable membrane inside. The technical aspect of the Voyager features protection in the ankles area, reinforcements in the heel and on the side for the gear shifter. The rubber sole is non-slip and the locking system makes use of laces and external zip. These elements allow the Voyager to pass the tests for obtaining the CE certification.

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Istoria Gaerne

Despre Gaerne

Compania Gaerne si-a castigat de mult locul printre fruntasii fabricanti de echipamente. Gaerne a adus mereu inovatii,care au facut din ce in ce mai usoara folosirea echipamentelor, prin cresterea gradului de comfort si siguranta.
Gaerne si-a gasit numele mereu alaturat marilor campioni, neexistand vreo competitie de profil in care sa lipseasca.
Calitatea echipamentelor Gaerne s-a dovedit in timp, fapt confirmat de faptul ca multi raideri o prefera.
Incaltamintea este extrem de importanta in orice competitie si de aceea atentia si inovatia pe acest segment sunt  foarte decisive.
Gaerne si-a construit numele in cele mai dure competitii , din care a tras concluziile corecte, fin azi un nume de referinta in domeniu.