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Off-road boots with an innovative, ergonomic and super comfortable design. Some speak of these boots as "The perfect 10 - The gold standard from which to assess all Motocross boots”. Others have praised their comfort, their quality and their resistance. Try them yourself and feel the difference!Main Features: The upper is light and combines microfiber with PU protections. The “RazorBack” pivot system ensures a strong lateral support, preventing twisting of the ankle, but without compromising flexibility. The rubber protector inside the boot provides exceptional grip and protection against heat. The closure system features 4 buckles in light alloy with adjustable and interchangeable straps and Velcro upper for a perfect fit. Removing the 2 top buckles it is possible to make the opening bigger to be able to use the boots in case you have wider legs, or are wearing knee pads. Breathable and antibacterial inner lining. Memory foam inner lining around the foot. Toe cap in stainless steel. Dual compound rubber sole.

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Istoria Gaerne

Despre Gaerne

Compania Gaerne si-a castigat de mult locul printre fruntasii fabricanti de echipamente. Gaerne a adus mereu inovatii,care au facut din ce in ce mai usoara folosirea echipamentelor, prin cresterea gradului de comfort si siguranta.
Gaerne si-a gasit numele mereu alaturat marilor campioni, neexistand vreo competitie de profil in care sa lipseasca.
Calitatea echipamentelor Gaerne s-a dovedit in timp, fapt confirmat de faptul ca multi raideri o prefera.
Incaltamintea este extrem de importanta in orice competitie si de aceea atentia si inovatia pe acest segment sunt  foarte decisive.
Gaerne si-a construit numele in cele mai dure competitii , din care a tras concluziile corecte, fin azi un nume de referinta in domeniu.